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LDAP can be used both as a source for user directory data, but also to authenticate users.

Butler Auth configuration

The settings in the config file are:

ldap:                               # "LDAP" provider
    enable: false
    url: https://<FQDN>:8081        # URL where login UI for this provider is available
    userDirectory: lab              # Qlik Sense user directory that will be used for the authenticated user
    ldapServer:                     # Information about the LDAP server to authenticate against
        host: <ldap(s)://>    # Both normal (ldap://) and secure (ldaps://) LDAP is supported
        port: 636                   # Usually 389 for LDAP and 636 for LDAPS
        bindUser: '<domain\username>'       # Service account used to log into the LDAP server
        bindPwd: <password>         # Password of service account
        searchBase: '<dc=...,dc=...,dc=...>'    # Base path from which authentication attempts will start
        searchFilter: '(&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)(|(samaccountname={{username}})(mail={{username}})))' # Filter used to get info about users in LDAP server
            # Settings here will override default TLS behaviour. 
            # Useful for example if your cert is for another domain wrt the host name of the LDAP server.
            # If a setting is empty it will simply be ignored by Butler Auth.

            # Necessary if the LDAP server isusing a self-signed certificate
            # Should point to a PEM coded CA certificate file.
Field Description
enable Enable or disable this authentication provider. true/false.
url Tells Butler Auth where it should send the user when it’s time to enter his/her username and password. A basic web page for entering LDAP credentials is included in Butler Auth, but for production scenarios you probably want to create your own login page.
userDirectory The Qlik Sense Enterprise user directory that will be used once the user has been authenticated by the authentication provider.
host Host where LDAP server is running. ldap:// is insecure/not encryptet, ldaps:// is secure. Use ldaps if possible.
port Port to use on LDAP server. Usually 636 for ldaps, 389 for ldap.
bindUser User to log in with on LDAP server. Usually a service account of some kind.
bindPwd Password for bindUser.
searchBase The base path from which authentication attempts will be done. For an Active Directory domain called sales at company it could be dc=sales,dc=mycompany,dc=com'
searchFilter Filter used to determine if a user exists in the LDAP server. The example above should be a good starting point for standard-install Active Directory servers.
ca If ldaps is used and the LDAP server is configured with proper certificates that use publicly recognizable certificate authorities, this ca section is not needed. If self-signed certificates are used you need to specify the CA certificate here for ldaps to work.

Using Butler Auth’s built-in login page

If you want to use the built-in login page to begin with, it’s configured like this:

  1. Let’s assume Butler Auth is hosted at, with the http server set up to listen on port 8081.
    The demo web UI showing all the authentication providers is then available at
  2. In order to use the demo login page you should set the ButlerAuth.authProvider.ldap.url to

Here is the built-in LDAP login page:

LDAP demo login page

LDAP configuration

Configuring the directory server (which Butler Auth talks to using the LDAP protocol) is beyond the scope of this site.