Which config file to use

Butler Auth can be configured using different config files. Here you learn to control which one is used.

A description of the config file format is available here.

Select which config file to use

Butler Auth uses configuration files in YAML format. The config files are stored in the src/config folder.

Trying to run Butler Auth with the default config file (the one included in the files download from GitHub) will not work - you need to adapt it to your server environment.

The name of the config file matters. Butler Auth looks for an environment variable called “NODE_ENV” and then tries to load a config file named with the value found in NODE_ENV.

For example:

  • NODE_ENV=production

  • Butler will look for a config file config/production.yaml.

Setting environment variables

The method for setting environment variables varies between different operating systems:

On Windows:

set NODE_ENV=production

Mac OS or Linux

export NODE_ENV=production

If using Docker, the NODE_ENV environment varible is set in the docker-compose.yml file (as already done in the sample docker-compose file.)

Last modified 0001.01.01